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Rodeo Stampedia

The Captain Beartrice is the eleventh bear in the game. It was first released as part of the Dreamy Trip Season 11 event.


The Captain Beartrice is essentially a Brown Bear wearing a superhero suit. The suit is striped with red and white from the front and the rest is coloured blue, representing the American flag. The suit also has a white star on the top and two white armour shapes on its sides outlined in red which has a red-outlined blue star in the middle. The Captain Beartrice wears a blue mask that covers all of its face except for its eyes and its snout which has a dark blue nose. The mask has a white star on is the forehead and white ears. Finally, the Captain Beartrice wears a red shoe with blue claws on each foot.


You most likely wouldn't wanna wrestle with the caption. She's insanely strong!


Note: Its chance of appearing is extremely low due to it being a tier 5 animal. It will appear randomly but very rarely, and never before 2000m.

Release History[]

Released Expired Event
7 May 2023 6 Aug 2023 Dreamy Trip Season 11


  • The Captain Beartrice most likely references Captain America in its name and appearance.
  • The Captain Beartrice's description plays on the physical strength of a bear.


  • The Captain Beartrice was released in version 3.1.0 on the 7th of July 2023, as a part of the Dreamy Trip Season 11 event.
  • The description has an error where 'caption' is supposed to be 'captain'.

Brown Bear Bear Chieftain Honey Bear Bearthday Cake Beaver Bear SU-24 Bearoplane
TIME LOCKER BEAR Vlambeer Giant Panda Field Bear Captain Beartrice