Rodeo Stampedia
Conservation Program Notice

Endangered animals are a class of animal introduced in update 1.7.0. Every day, from Savannah 5 onwards, a new animal or the animal match, if the endangered animal has already been tamed, will appear in the stampede, and only one can be tamed/matched each day. You cannot get the match on the same day you tame the new animal. You have to wait for another day for the same animal to appear and it will be a chance to get a match. When there is a chance to get a match, it is the same as taming any other animal, it is not guaranteed that the animal you see will be a match.

They appear randomly like regular animals do, but are extremely rare, and most give maximum XP for their zone (30). Once the match of an endangered animal is found and a baby is bred, the island which the endangered animal is from is "repopulated" with that animal, and consequently, that animal can be found in the stampede permanently.


Animal Species Unlocked Distance Found XP Given
Buff the Magic Dragon Buffalo Savannah 5 > 300m 30
Zegasus Zebra Savannah 5 > 1000m 30
World's Tallest Sheep Giraffe Savannah 5 > 1500m 30
Volture Vulture Savannah 5 > 1000m 30
Nian Monster Lion Savannah 5 > 1800m 30
BoarBQ Boar Jungle 1 > 900m 25
Gorill-uck Gorilla Jungle 1 > 900m 25
Termigator Alligator Jungle 1 > 1200m 25
Sabretooth Hippo Hippo Jungle 2 > 1200m 25
Tigermoth Tiger Jungle 4 > 1800m 25
Bazookan Toucan Jungle 5 > 900m 25
Alpaca Cracker Llama Mountains 1 > 800m 25
Vlambeer Bear Mountains 1 > 800m 30
Cerberus Wolf Mountains 2 > 1300m 30
Zodiyak Yak Mountains 3 > 800m 30
Regal Eagle Eagle Mountains 4 > 800m 30
Zeus Moose Moose Mountains 5 > 1600m 30
Lambembert Cheese Sheep Outback 1 > 800m 30
Mongol Roo Kangaroo Outback 1 > 1400m 30
Professor Dropbear Drop Bear Outback 1 > 1300m 30
Cock-a-doodle-emu Emu Outback 3 > 1200m 25
Mystic Camel Camel Outback 4 > 1600m 30
Cute Bat Flying Fox Outback 5 > 900m 30
Pengdjinn Penguin Tundra 1 > 900m 30
Seal of Fortune Seal Tundra 1 > 1200m 30
Wealthy Walrus Walrus Tundra 1 > 1100m 30
Crabbit Rabbit Tundra 2 > 1900m 30
Knight Owl Owl Tundra 3 > 1300m 30
Sunset Twinkle Fox Tundra 4 > 1200m 30
Lumbearjack Polar Bear Tundra 5 > 1900m 30


