Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia

Purchase animals are animals that give no abilities (with the exception of the Ad Eater), but require real money to obtain. They do have species and give XP, unlike epic and VIP animals. Also unlike VIP animals, they count towards the player's overall progress, but only after they have purchased them. After their purchase, they can permanently be found in the stampede.


Animal Species Unlocked XP Given
Pumpkinfalo Buffalo Savannah 1 3
Orcow Buffalo Savannah 1 30
Dairy Cattle Buffalo Savannah 1 3
Z-Lightning Zebra Savannah 1 3
Clown Zebra Zebra Savannah 1 30
Orchard Horse Zebra Savannah 1 3
Elephanival Elephant Savannah 2 30
Techlephant Elephant Savannah 1 30
Anglelephant Elephant Savannah 1 30
Sakura Elephant Elephant Savannah 1 30
Cyberstrich Ostrich Savannah 2 30
Rostrich Ostrich Savannah 2 30
Conchstrich Ostrich Savannah 2 30
Dinornithidae Ostrich Savannah 2 30
Garniffe Giraffe Savannah 4 30
Seagiraffe Giraffe Savannah 3 30
Near horn beast Giraffe Savannah 3 30
Ray Eagle Vulture Savannah 4 30
Ad Eater Vulture Savannah 4 3
Farmhand Vulture Vulture Savannah 4 3
Fire Lion Lion Savannah 5 3
Liponess Lion Savannah 5 30
Lionfish Lion Savannah 5 30
Sunflower Lion Lion Savannah 5 3
Gorilla the Punch Gorilla Jungle 1 30
Protocetus atavus Alligator Jungle 1 30
Rhimor Rhino Jungle 3 30
Coelodonta antiquitatis Rhino Jungle 3 30
Saber-toothed tiger Tiger Jungle 4 30
Asbirdation Toucan Mountains 1 5
Wing Back Goat Goat Mountains 1 30
Umbra Llama Llama Mountains 1 30
Centre Back LLama Llama Mountains 1 30
Field Bear Bear Mountains 1 30
Captain Beartrice Bear Mountains 1 30
Midfield Wolf Wolf Mountains 2 30
Forward Yak Yak Mountains 3 30
Colonel Yak Yak Mountains 3 30
Referee Eagle Eagle Mountains 4 30
Lieutenant Iggy Eagle Mountains 4 30
Goal Keeper Moose Moose Mountains 5 30
Billy Moosey Moose Mountains 5 30
Megaloceros giganteus Moose Mountains 5 30
Champion Kangaroo Kangaroo Outback 1 30
Vampire Koala Drop Bear Outback 1 30
Antique Penguin Penguin Tundra 1 30
Blackbeak Penguin Tundra 1 30
Peter Sealston Seal Tundra 1 30
Last Walrus Walrus Tundra 1 30
Edwalrus Low Walrus Tundra 1 30
Hare Jennings Rabbit Tundra 2 30
Year of the rabbit Rabbit Tundra 2 3
Easter Rabbit Rabbit Tundra 2 3
Zheng Yi S-Owl Owl Tundra 3 30
Foxois l'Olonnais Fox Tundra 4 30
Captain Jake Polarow Polar Bear Tundra 5 30
Parasaurobotic Parasaurolophus Jurassic 1 12
Roboraptor Raptor Jurassic 1 12
Technoceratops Triceratops Jurassic 1 12
Tricerobot Triceratops Jurassic 1 12
Tyrannosaurobot Tyrannosaurus Rex Jurassic 2 12
Brobotsaurus Brontosaurus Jurassic 3 12
Ankylosaurobot Ankylosaurus Jurassic 4 12
Pterobotylus Pterodactyl Jurassic 5 12
Stegosaurobot Stegosaurus Jurassic 6 12
Dimechadon Dimetrodon Jurassic 7 12
School Unicorn Pegasus Olympus 1 30
Studeernt Hind Olympus 30
Basket-Bull Minotaur Olympus 1 30
Kinder-Griffin Griffin Olympus 2 30
Prof. Draco Dragon Olympus 4 30
Snow Globe Turtle Turtle Olympus 5 12
Doctur Turtle Turtle Olympus 5 30
Serpencil Hydra Olympus 6 30
Ghost Light Horse Horse Great Wall 1 30
Monkey King (Dreamy Trip) Monkey Great Wall 1 30
Lantern Dragon Chinese Dragon Great Wall 1 30
Panda Dance Panda Great Wall 2 30
Strawberry Panda Panda Great Wall 2 30
Taoist Crane Crane Great Wall 3 30
Lotus Pangolin Pangolin Great Wall 4 30
Glyptodon Pangolin Great Wall 4 30
Chickrystal Rooster Great Wall 5 12
Prosperity Kirin Kirin Great Wall 6 30
Teapot Fish Clownfish Ocean 5
Mooncake Crab Crab Ocean 5
Lantern Quid Squid Ocean 5
Firework Dolphin Dolphin Ocean 5
Moon Rabbit Grouper Trout Ocean 5
Immortal Swordfish Swordfish Ocean 5
Prosperity Octopus Octopus Ocean 5
Festive Octopus Octopus Ocean 5