Rodeo Stampedia

Fire is a mechanic found in Olympus and Outback. When the player passes through it they catch on fire. To extinguish the flames, they must pass through a puddle of water. If the player continues without entering water for 10 seconds, the player will fall to the ground, regardless of the situation.


Out backflames

Fire in Outback

Fire is programmed to burn the player only, so any collision detection is determined by the character's position, rather than the animal that the player is riding. Fire has no effect on any animals, and only the player will die, not the animal. This is most evident in how brontosauruses and tyrannosaurus rexes are unaffected by flaming bushes in Outback.

Burning Plants[]

Burning trees and bushes can be found in Outback. If the player passes close beside one the player will catch fire. They operate the same as normal trees and bushes; if the player runs into a burning tree, they will crash; if the player runs through a burning bush, they will smash the bush and most likely be burned. They can be destroyed with animals like elephants, but the player will still catch fire.


Lightning can be found in Olympus, and sets the player on fire if they run into it, but not if they get hit directly. The fire here is the same. To extinguish themselves, the player must run into water, like in Outback.

Random Burning[]

Sometimes, a bug makes it so that the player will be burned randomly when riding in Outback or Olympus despite sources of fire being quite far away.


There are multiple ways in which the player can extinguish themselves:

  • Enter a puddle of water
  • Go underground on a wombat
  • Die and revive

Drop bears and gorillas can smash fires when they jump up after hitting obstacles.

Burning trees are able to set the player on fire whilst on flying animals, even if they are at their maximum height.
