Rodeo Stampedia

Flying animals, also called flyers, are animals which are classified as flying based on their ability to manoeuver and fly over small obstacles. All flying animals have a special angry behavior, called swooping or diving. When angry, the flying animal will slowly dive toward the ground attempting to crash the player, then repeatedly starts diving up and down making the ridden animal hard to control. Additionally, all flying animals are small animals, except for phoenixes, which are big. There are currently 10 flying animals.


Flying Animal Zone Unlocked
Vultures Savannah Savannah 4
Toucans Jungle Jungle 5
Eagles Mountains Mountains 4
Flying Foxes Outback Outback 5
Owls Tundra Tundra 3
Pterodactyls Jurassic Jurassic 5
Phoenixes Olympus Olympus 3
Dragonflies Garden Garden 3
Cranes Great Wall Great Wall 3
Manta Rays Ocean -

Epic & VIP Animals[]

Flying Animal Class VIP Level
Revive Raven Epic None
Storm Clowld VIP 8
Mecha Crane VIP 10


  • Even though butterflies do have wings and may look like flying animals, they are not considered flying animals due to their angry behaviour which differs from other flying animals'. Its level 6 habitat upgrade justifies its type as a Speeding Animal.