- 2-Monthiversary
- 8 Spotted Crab Spider
- ARBRex
- A Pollo 11
- A Sleak Journey
- Abominable Snow Yak
- Ad Eater
- Aetos Dios
- African Elephant
- Afro Dizzy Yak
- Alarm Cluck
- Alectryon
- Alligator
- Aloha Octopus
- Alpaca Cracker
- Alpine Moose
- Amphisbaena
- Anglelephant
- Anglerosaurus
- Animal Classes
- Animal Depot
- Animal Design Competition
- Animal Tiers
- Animal Types
- Animals
- Animals (Directory Page)
- Ankylawsaurus
- Ankylosaurobot
- Ankylosaurus
- Anne Bunny
- Anniversary
- Ant
- Antique Penguin
- Anubis
- Ao Guang
- Apeckalypse Now
- Apple Pieno
- Aqua Goat
- Arctic Hare
- Aristurtle
- Armapillo
- Art and Design Events
- Asbirdation
- Auspicious Buffalo
- Avian Attorney
- Aviator Emu
- Awaken the Beast
- Axolotl
- B52 Manta
- Bab-broom
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Animals are x% faster in kelp
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Animals are x% faster in water
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Animals get angry x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Animals handle ice x% better
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Bucks are x% smaller
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Crates give x% more coins
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Eating animals is x% more effective
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Energy drains x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Fire burns x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Flying animals swoop x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Jump from animals x% faster
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Jump from animals x% higher
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Lasso shrinks x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Lasso starts x% larger
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Mating animals appear x% more often
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Missions give x% more coins
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Oxygen depletes x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Rare animals appear x% more often
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Ridden animals are x% faster
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Ridden animals are x% slower
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Taming animals is x% quicker
- Baby Animal Abilities Ranking/Taming mating animals is x% quicker
- Baby Animals
- Baby shark
- Badges
- Bald Eagle
- Ballerina Hippo
- Bamboozled Panda
- Banana Peal
- Bananarama
- Bangolin
- Barack Obllama
- Barn Owl
- Barrelophus
- Basilisk
- Basket-Bull
- Basketball Bug
- Battle Yak
- Bazookan
- Beaker
- Bear Chieftain
- Bearthday Cake
- Beautiful Boar
- Beaver Bear
- Beehind
- Beetle
- Beijing Opera Panda
- Belle of the Ballrus
- Belleociraptor
- Bestffalo
- Big Animals
- Big Bad Wolf
- Billy Moosey
- Birthdaysaurus
- Bison
- Black Turtle
- Blackbeak
- Blackfin
- Blessing Elephant
- Blue Whale
- Bluecan
- BoarBQ
- Boaring
- Boaring Flame
- Bombat
- Booster
- Borc
- Bosstrich
- Bouncing Animals
- Bowler Bear
- Brag Event
- Brazeb
- Breeding Pen
- Brewcan
- Bridezilla
- Brobotsaurus
- Brontosaurus
- Brown Bear
- Bucking Animals
- Bucking Bronco
- Buff the Magic Dragon
- BuffaloBQ
- Bufferrari
- Bumper Car Hippo
- Bunny Gator
- Bunyip
- Bushallo
- Business Horse
- Butter night
- Butterfllama
- Butterfly
- Butterfly koi
- Butterfry
- Caliblow Jack
- Camel
- Cameleon
- Camelflage
- Camelot
- CameraDay
- Camoushark
- Candicorn
- Candle-labradon
- Candylamb
- Cant
- Cape Buffalo
- Captain Bananarrrrr
- Captain Beartrice
- Captain Dave
- Captain Jake Polarow
- Carboarn Crystal
- Cardinal Dragon
- Careodactyl
- Cash Cow
- Catcher dragonfly
- Celebirdy
- Cementipede
- Centipede
- Centipie
- Centre Back LLama
- Cerastes
- Cerberus
- Ceryneian Hind
- Challenges
- Champion Cicada
- Champion Kangaroo
- Champion Troodon
- Champion Wolf
- Charging Animals
- Charging Elephant
- Chickrystal
- Children's Festival
- Chilly fox
- Chimera
- Chimeratops
- Chinese Dragon
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese New Year Event 2017
- Chinese New Year Event 2018
- Chinese New Year Event 2019
- Chinese New Year Event 2020
- Chinese New Year Event 2021
- Chinese New Year Event 2022
- Chinese New Year Event 2024
- Chocolate Bunny
- Chocolate Mousse
- Christmas Owl
- Christmas Taming Goat
- Class: Base
- Class: Boss
- Class: Endangered
- Class: Epic
- Class: Event
- Class: Level 9
- Class: Petting Zoo
- Class: Purchase
- Class: Regular
- Class: Secret
- Class: VIP
- Clockwork Fox
- Clown Ant-eater
- Clown Zebra
- Clownfish
- Cock-a-doodle-emu
- Cockadoodile
- Cockatrice
- Code Monkey
- Coelodonta antiquitatis
- Colchian Dragon
- Colonel Yak
- Combat Wombat
- Common Seal
- Conan the Baabaarian
- Conchstrich
- Construction Crane
- Cooked Crab
- Coral Trout
- Corvus
- Count Batcula
- Cowboy Celebration
- Cowboy Centipede
- Crab
- Crabbit
- Crabtopher Condent
- Crane
- Crate
- Cricket
- Crookodile
- Crouching Tiger
- Crowbarolophus
- Cryin' Lion
- Crystal Ball
- Crystalsaurus
- Cute Bat
- Cyberstrich
- Cyclops
- Daily Bonus
- Dairy Cattle
- Dame Emu
- Damselfly
- Dan Graf
- Dande Lion
- Dankylosaurus
- Dark Mousse
- Dark Pegasus
- Decorations
- Deeplodocus
- Deerin
- Devil Flying Fox
- Devil Ray
- Dhinoceros
- Diabuffalo
- Dime-metrodon
- Dimechadon
- Dimetrobat
- Dimetroccordion
- Dimetrodon
- Dimetropunk
- Dinornithidae
- Diplojokus
- Discussion Navigation Page
- Doctur Turtle
- Doleaf
- Dolphin
- Dolphin in Shining Armor
- Dolphitrus
- Dolsel in Distress
- Dracorian
- Dragon
- Dragon-fly
- Dragon God
- Dragon backed Turtle
- Dragon head Buffalo
- Dragon horned Tiger
- Dragon of Helios
- Dragon tailed Snake
- Dragon wing Rooster
- Dragonboat Fly
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfruit Fly
- Dragonwhy
- Dragoon Fly
- Dream Chaser
- Dreamy Trip
- Dreamy Trip Season 1
- Dreamy Trip Season 10
- Dreamy Trip Season 11
- Dreamy Trip Season 12
- Dreamy Trip Season 13
- Dreamy Trip Season 14
- Dreamy Trip Season 15
- Dreamy Trip Season 2
- Dreamy Trip Season 3
- Dreamy Trip Season 4
- Dreamy Trip Season 5
- Dreamy Trip Season 6
- Dreamy Trip Season 7
- Dreamy Trip Season 8
- Dreamy Trip Season 9
- Drillbat
- Drop Bear
- Drop Bikie
- Dropbear Dundee
- Durian Beetle
- Dusty
- Eaglward Scissorwings
- Earl of Phant
- Early Autumn Party
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Easter Rabbit
- Easter Special
- Eating Animals
- Echidna
- Edwalrus Low
- Eel
- Eggsecutive
- Egyptian Vulture
- El Zorro
- Elaphoi Khrysokeroi
- Electric Eel
- Elegon
- Elektro Zebra
- Elephanival
- Eleplant
- Elizabethan Llama
- Emberhorn
- Emo
- Emperor Penguin
- Emu
- Emu Challenge
- Emusician
- Endangered Animal Sharing Event
- Endless Rider
- Environment Protection Event
- Eskimo Seal