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The Ray Eagle is the tenth vulture in the game. It was first released as a part of the Dreamy Trip Season 3 event.


The Ray Eagle is a Vulture wearing a ray suit. The top surface of the suit is coloured dark blue, almost purple. On either side of its neck are the cephalic fins of the ray, while the tail ends with a long, sharp stinger.


Oh ho! 45 ° above sea level! Take off!


Note: Its chance of appearing is extremely low due to it being a tier 5 animal. It will appear randomly but very rarely, and never before 1200m.

Release History[]

Released Expired Event
26 May 2022 25 Jun 2022 Dreamy Trip Season 3


  • The Ray Eagle combines a ray and an eagle together, possibly playing on how a ray looks like it is swooping like a bird when it travels in water.
    • The Ray Eagle is based on an eagle despite it being a vulture in-game, as well as there being eagles in-game too.


  • The Ray Eagle was released in version 2.2.0 on the 26th of May 2022, as a part of the Dreamy Trip Season 3 event.
  • Upon release, the Ray Eagle had an error in its name where "eagle" was not capitalised.
    • This was corrected in version 2.3.0 on the 16th of June 2022.
  • Upon release, the description contained an error in that there was a space between 45 and the ° symbol.

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Dracorian Volture Scarecrow Ray Eagle Ad Eater Farmhand Vulture