Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia

The Sail-boatfish is the fourth swordfish that the player can find in the game.


The Sail-boatfish is designed to look like a sailboat as a swordfish. It has a white and orange body, a dark brown tail and two sails on its back, which act as the Sail-boatfish's own sail. The front sail is completely orange, but the back one is white and orange.


Very close to the sailfish. Other than being fast, he's also very hospitable.


Note: Its chance of appearing is low due to it being a tier 4 animal. It will appear randomly but not often, and never before 1500m.

Baby Sail-boatfish[]

Baby Sail-boatfish
  • Lasso shrinks 15% slower
  • Crates give 20% more coins


  • The Sail-boatfish is a portmanteau of the words "sailboat" and "swordfish".


  • The Sail-boatfish was released in version 2.13.0 on the 23rd of December 2022.

Swordfish Sailfish Wooden Swordfish Sail-boatfish Rudolph the Red-Sworded Swordfish Piney the Star-Sworded Swordfish
Sven's Swordfish Wheezing Swordfish Immortal Swordfish