Rodeo Stampedia

Small animals are animals which are classified as small based on whether seals, hydras or owls can smash them, or pandas can bump them. Seals, owls and pandas all have upgrades only allowing them to be able to smash/bump small animals. They are affected by seals sliding on ice and owls. Usually, small animals can be defined as anything that cannot smash trees, rocks or big animals while on the ground by default.


Zone Small Animals
Savannah BuffaloZebrasOstrichesVulturesLions
Jungle BoarsGorillasAlligatorsHipposTigersToucans
Mountain LlamasGoatsWolvesEaglesMooses
Outback SheepsKangaroosDrop BearsWombatsEmusCamelsFlying Foxes
Tundra PenguinsSealsRabbitsOwlsFoxes
Jurassic ParasaurolophusesRaptorsTriceratopsAnkylosaurusesPterodactylsStegosaurusesDimetrodons
Olympus PegasusesHindsGriffins
Garden AntsGrasshoppersPillbugsDragonfliesCentipedesButterflies
Great Wall HorsesMonkeysPandasCranesPangolinsRoostersKirins
Ocean ClownfishSquidCrabsManta RaysDolphinsTroutsSwordfishOctopusesEelsSharks


  • Outback is currently the only zone with only small animals.
  • Olympus is the zone with the least small animal species, with three.

Also See[]

Big Animals
