Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia

Giraffes are the fifth species which the player can befriend in the game. Giraffes are throwing animals. There are 16 different types of giraffe. They are available from Savannah 3, excluding the UFG and the World's Tallest Sheep, which can be found from Savannah 4 and Savannah 5 respectively. The Garniffe can also only be bought from Savannah 4 onwards. The player must ride past 1000m to find giraffes.


Animal Class Level Unlocked Distance Found XP Given
Giraffe Base Level 0 > 1000m 0
Girafferty Regular Level 0 > 1200m 1
Taco Jirafa Regular Level 0 > 1500m 3
Highballer Regular Level 0 > 1800m 14
Giraxxus Regular Level 0 > 2200m 30
UFG Boss Level 0 > 2200m 30
Giraffatar Level 9 Level 9 > 1800m 14
World's Tallest Sheep Endangered Level 0 > 1500m 30
Giraffemas Tree Event Level 0 > 1500m 3
Dream Chaser Event Level 0 > 2200m 30
Garniffe Purchase Level 0 > 1500m 30
Goodraffe Event Level 0 > 1700m 30
Seagiraffe Event Level 0 > 1500m 30
Hydraffe Event Level 0 > 1800m 30
Hurdler Giraffe Event Level 0 > 1800m 15
Near horn beast Event Level 0 > 2000m 30

Note: All boss animals can only be found in the stampede and give XP after the player has initially befriended it.


These giraffes were part of the soft launch of the game, but were replaced in the official release.

Animal Class Distance Found Tier
Masai Giraffe Regular > 1200m Tier 2
Rothschild Giraffe Regular > 1500m Tier 3


  • Wild: Giraffes move at a slow pace.
  • When ridden: Giraffes run noticeably faster than when they are wild, and can smash trees without stumbling. From level 3 onwards, if the player runs into an animal smaller than a giraffe (only elephants are bigger than giraffes in Savannah), the giraffe will smash the animal and stumble. After 5 seconds, the giraffe will recover and run normally, being able to smash another animal and stumble again. Giraffes can stumble a maximum of three times, and they will crash if the player run into an animal while stumbling.
  • When angry: Giraffes lurch their neck back and sling the player forwards.
  • In habitat: They graze from the ground of their habitat, and occasionally move their necks in a shuffle movement.
    • Selected in habitat: They move their legs and body around like jelly and sway their necks.


Giraffes have many abilities which benefit the player greatly. For a start, when their habitat has been upgraded to level 3, giraffes can kick over any animal except for elephants, rhinos, yaks, walruses, tyrannosaurus rexes, Brontosauruses, dragons, beetles and Chinese dragons where they will stumble comically for several seconds before recovering. They can also smash trees without stumbling. Another major advantage of the giraffe is its catapult-like throw, which, when upgraded to level 6, becomes almost cheap as the giraffe will throw the player extremely far with a hugely increased lasso size, making it almost impossible to miss an animal upon landing. When giraffes are angry, they will throw the player off, so the player must be wary to face straight ahead to increase the chances of landing on another animal. Also, when upgraded to level 7, giraffes can give the player a fair amount of money per jump, which can assist beginner players. The amount of money gained per jump increases as the player progresses through the game.

Habitat Upgrades[]

  • Level 1 - 3x more giraffes in the stampede
  • Level 2 - Jumping from a giraffe temporarily increases lasso size by 20%
  • Level 3 - giraffes can stumble and recover from minor crashes
  • Level 4 - Gain 50% more ticket money from giraffes
  • Level 5 - Jump further from giraffes
  • Level 6 - Jumping from a giraffe temporarily increases lasso size by 20%
  • Level 7 - Get bonus coins for longer jumps from giraffes
  • Level 8 - 2x more rare giraffes in the stampede
  • Level 9 - Add a new rare Giraffe to the stampede (Giraffatar)


  • Giraffes were released in the original release, version 1.0.0, on the 22nd of June 2016, along with Savannah and all Savannah animals, Jungle and all other Jungle animals, and the Sky Zoo.
  • The level 3 upgrade contains an error in that "giraffes" is written without a capital letter.
  • Giraffes, along with Manta Rays and Eels are the only animal species that don’t make a sound when ridden.


Buffalo Zebras Elephants Ostriches Giraffes Vultures Lions