Rodeo Stampedia

The Technoceratops is the ninth triceratops in the game. It was released as a part of the Sixth Anniversary Event, but could only be obtained through in-app purchase.


The Technoceratops has a blue and yellow body, with a black and yellow strap near the underbelly. It also has a light blue frill with a grey edge. In the middle of its three horns is an electricity ball, and it is wearing glasses.


A perfectly blanced combination of the past and the future


Note: Its chance of appearing is extremely low due to it being a tier 5 animal. It will appear randomly but very rarely, and never before 2000m.

Release History[]

Released Expired Event
16 Jun 2022 7 Jul 2022 Sixth Anniversary Event
19 Jun 2023 15 Jul 2023 Seventh Anniversary Event



  • The Technoceratops was released in version 2.3.0 on the 16th of June 2022, as part of the Sixth Anniversary Event.
  • The description has several errors, where "balanced" is written as "blanced", and the description is missing a period at the end.
  • At an unknown date, a "the" was added before 'future' in the description.


Triceratops Triceraclops Triceracops Skyceratops Chimeratops Geisharatops
Medium-Rare-atops Knightmaratops Technoceratops Tricerobot