Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia


For those I haven’t yet met, I’m Hugobest. I was active during a period of time, blogging how I was playing the game, and then left as I burned myself out in about a month making daily blog posts.

And for those who do know me, I’m sorry. When I was publishing these blog posts, I was an awkward high schooler making contact with multiple people on the Internet for the first time, and it shows. I’ve been revisiting my old stuff, and this was one of the pit stops on that journey, but it doesn’t feel fair treating it just like that. This game was so much fun for me, and all of you in this wiki treated me well, I don’t want this to be just a moment of nostalgia and continue on. I’m now more mature, and not as easily excited about literally everything, so here goes.

I plan to keep making a similar type of blog posts somewhat scheduled, but it’s absolutely not going to be daily. I’m going to post a weekly progress update on the game as I rediscover it, and hopefully entertain along the way.

Of course, it’s not going to be as boring, as my crusty little phone only made a single file save of the game, and I’m now back to jungle 3, with every habitat at level 6 except for the buffalo habitat at level 7. And honestly? That’s amazing. In the beginning, I was a bit afraid of having to relearn every single animal, but now I just have to relearn the first few ones, without having to start from the very beginning.

I’ll post updates every sunday, and I’ll try to be actually useful at gathering data for the wiki now :)

It’s good to be back, y’all.

P.S. I’ve been rereading my old blog posts and I’m mortified. School is “colegio” in Spanish, and I thought college was the same as school :v