Rodeo Stampedia

Hi everyone! The game right now is Chinese only for beta players, and most of you might don't speak Chinese. Since I am a native Chinese speaker, I've made this blog as a place for you to post things you want translated. Just post the screenshots in the comments below and I will try my best to help.

I think I will tell you the keywords then you will understand right away next time when you see the same characters. When I am free I will definitely come here to check out.

For missions, I will translate them from top to bottom, like the 3 missions in the Sky Zoo and Space Zoo, unless you tell me which ones you don't need help with. For things in the event, Swag Asian Kid has done a great job providing translations which are already on the Fourth Anniversary Event page.

If you want the name of hats or animals, etc, any other things to be translated, you are welcome!
