Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia

The Vlambeer is the eighth bear. Like all endangered animals it can only be found on random days, meaning that it can only be found on certain random days. Its match can be found on random days after the player tames it.


The Vlambeer is completely black, with only its eyes being coloured otherwise (white). It has a pixelated aura of yellow flames flashing out of it, flickering wildly. The flames also have a red layer and two translucent red layers around the yellow area.


Travels the world teaching 'The Art of Screenshake', makes some awesome indie games.


  • Sky Zoo upgraded to Mountains 1 or greater.
  • Brown Bear tamed.
  • Can only be tamed on a certain random day, and can only be matched on a certain random day after it has been tamed.
  • After it is matched it can be found permanently in the stampede.

Note: Its chance of appearing is extremely low due to it being a tier 5 animal. It will appear randomly but very rarely, and never before 800m.

Baby Vlambeer[]

Baby Vlambeer
  • Taming mating animals is 20% quicker
  • Eating animals is 10% more effective
  • Rare animals appear 1% more often (passive)


  • The Vlambeer references Vlambeer, a Dutch independent mobile game developer. "Vlambeer", when translated from Dutch, means 'flame bear', which is reflected in the logo.
    • The appearance is a reference to the Vlambeer logo.
    • The description references 'The Art of Screenshake', a video created by Vlambeer giving tips on screenshake, a feature of action games. It can be viewed here.
  • The Baby Vlambeer lacks the distinctive flames of the adult.


  • The Vlambeer was released in version 1.7.0 on the 23rd of March 2017 along with all other original endangered animals.


Brown Bear Bear Chieftain Honey Bear Bearthday Cake Beaver Bear SU-24 Bearoplane
TIME LOCKER BEAR Vlambeer Giant Panda Field Bear Captain Beartrice