Rodeo Stampedia
Rodeo Stampedia
Giraffe Sticker
Note: This article is about the individual animal called the Wombat. For information about the animal species Wombat, please click here.

The Wombat is the first type of wombat that can be befriended in the stampede.


The Wombat is small and compact, shaped like a pill, with four short stubby legs, a dark grey round nose with two black nostrils, two small pointy ears, a short tail, and a head that cannot be distinguished from its body due to the lack of a neck. It is a greyish brown colour all over, fading slightly towards its underside and legs, and has darker brown feet.


Shy, territorial and nocturnal, these powerful diggers spend much of their time underground.


Baby Wombat[]

Baby Wombat
  • Jump from animals 6% faster


  • The Wombat is based on a real life wombat.
  • The description references both its real life and in-game attributes.
  • The Baby Wombat reflects how the player can jump very far after smashing an object with a wombat.


  • The Wombat was released in version 1.3.0 on the 13th of October 2016 along with Outback and all other Outback species.

Wombat Combat Wombat Womcat Wombaby Womdrian Bombat
Wombamelon Wombatman